US immigration law: Visa change may be good news for Louisiana

Summer in Louisiana, as in many other states, typically includes an influx of tourists and other visitors who have time away from their jobs and regular daily lives. U.S. immigration law allows employers to hire immigrants as seasonal workers when they legally obtain visas through specified work programs. In recent years, however, many U.S. employers say they have come close to ruin due to less visas being made available for those seeking seasonal work in the United States.

Recent news suggests that’s all about to change. The current administration has announced its plans to add approximately 15,000 visas to those now available to non-agriculture, seasonal workers. Known as H2-B visas, these “tickets to the U.S.” will be available this fiscal year, says Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen.

U.S. businesses that handle increased patronage during summer may be relieved to learn of this change. Non-farm worker visas are usually made available on a first come, first serve basis. This year, however, a lottery was conducted, causing some applications to be denied.

The DHS secretary said that reform is needed so long as visa changes in no way harm American businesses or workers. In the past, U.S. immigration law has capped the number of available H2-B visas at 66,000. Many Louisiana families and others will be glad to know about the Congress-approved increase. Anyone who needs help with the legal aspects of a visa-related issue may tap into available immigration resources for support.

Source:, “U.S. adds 15,000 visas for seasonal non-farm workers“, May 25, 2018