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Louisiana seeing rapid increase in immigration detention

Immigration issues are affecting people in all areas of the country. Immigration detention is becoming a serious concern for immigrants and advocates alike, and it seems to many as if…

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Judge once again blocks proposed asylum limits

Political atmospheres can easily become complicated. Lately, it seems as if there is much back-and-forth regarding immigration and asylum in the United States, and that trend only continues. As new…

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US immigration law change may affect children of military members

Many Louisiana residents and those elsewhere consider being in the United States military an honor. Many servicemembers live their lives outside of the country due to the duties they must…

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Woman facing deportation despite U-visa application

Many people want to take steps to help themselves out of difficult or even dangerous situations. In some cases, it can be extremely difficult to take those steps due to…

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4 questions that tell the truth about immigration

Immigration, although it is often spoken about in a negative way, is something that the United States needs to survive. Immigrants coming from other countries bring new ideas and cultures…

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US immigration law regulation affects low-income people

Many people struggle with their finances for various reasons. Some individuals may feel that making a drastic change in their living arrangements could allow them to seek better financial opportunities.…

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