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Immigration strengthens the American economy

America would simply not be the same without the generations of individuals who come here from other countries. Immigrants, both legal and undocumented, help keep the American economy afloat. Many…

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Re-entry into the United States is possible after illegal entry

You came to the United States legally, and you want to bring your loved ones as well. You know that the current state of politics makes people more cautious about…

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How do you obtain a U visa?

You came to America wanting nothing but to better yourself and to give your family the life they deserve. Once you came here, you realized that not everyone was as…

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Seeking asylum in the United States

Many people come to the United States because they were persecuted in their home county. Immigrants may be granted a green card on the basis of persecution even if they…

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Crime victims may be eligible for U.S. visa

Immigrants often become the targets of criminals, both here in the United States and in their home country. As the victim of a crime, you may be eligible for a…

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