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Immigration detention need not always lead to deportation

If a person is living in Louisiana without proper documentation after having emigrated here from another country, it can make for an extremely stressful situation. There is definitely an increased…

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Governor in another state probes immigration detention issue

There are likely a number of people in Louisiana who are currently worried about immigration problems. Some may have family members (or may themselves be) facing immigration detention situations that…

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Hundreds against plans for immigration detention facility

In Louisiana and across the country immigration continues to be a hot button issue. At recent town meeting in another state, approximately 300 people showed up to oppose a proposed…

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Immigration detention puts children at risk for losing parents

Millions of children in the United States, including some in Louisiana, are born and raised in households that contain undocumented immigrants. In many families, it is one or both parents…

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U visa may help you avoid immigration detention

If you are an immigrant living in Louisiana, you may be able to relate to others who say they often worry about deportation. It’s definitely a hot topic and often…

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Immigration detention led to military veteran’s deportation

A family in another state was recently reunited after having been separated for a long time. Many Louisiana residents may relate to the situation, which began with one member of…

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