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Are you worried about an immigration detention situation?

Louisiana residents who follow immigration news have likely read recent stories about family members being separated when Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers show up unannounced at people’s homes, workplaces or…

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Immigration detention finally ends for delivery driver

In July of this year, a young father of two was carrying out his normal duties during his pizza delivery shift. That particular day, his route included a stop to…

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Suicide is problematic in numerous immigration detention centers

If a Louisiana family has a loved one who is currently detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, it is only natural that family members may worry about their loved…

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Misdemeanor charge leads to immigration detention situation

The federal government has stated that immigrants who have been convicted of violent crimes are targeted for deportation. However, Louisiana immigrants and their families may want to be aware that…

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Parents of five now worried about immigration detention

A married couple who emigrated from Mexico to live in the United States some years ago are the parents of five children. Several of their children were born in the…

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Facing immigration detention problems in Louisiana?

If the U.S. government suspects you of unauthorized entry into the United States, it may take immediate action against you. Part of that action will likely involve taking you to…

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