If you are an immigrant who has been living undocumented in the United States for a year or more, you may become subject to deportation and a 10-year reentry ban.…
In a time when nothing is certain, immigrants are even more unsure than ever before. Before the coronavirus outbreak, President Trump had been strict on immigration. Ever since the outbreak,…
Being detained in any capacity can be nerve-wracking. When individuals from other countries come to the United States in hopes of finding help, they may end up in more difficult…
Many people do not have to worry about the possibility of being arrested when they go into work. Unfortunately, numerous immigrants in Louisiana and across the country may fear that…
Immigration issues are affecting people in all areas of the country. Immigration detention is becoming a serious concern for immigrants and advocates alike, and it seems to many as if…
Though many individuals come to Louisiana and other parts of the United States in hopes of finding better lives, that it not always their initial experience. Some people could find…