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Family immigration form can now be filed online

Most people enjoy having relatives nearby. They can keep up with family news, have gatherings and generally spend time together and have the comfort that comes from family. Of course,…

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Family immigration difficult when interviews lead to detainment

Moving to a new country, building a life and changing one’s immigration status is not easy. Many people rely on family immigration to help them through the process, including receiving…

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Sponsor’s status could affect family immigration visas

Coming to Louisiana or other parts of the United States is a complicated process. Some individuals may have family members that already live in the country, and they may have…

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Family immigration can depend on filing paper work on time

Becoming a permanent resident in the United States can give immigrants opportunities that they did not previously have. Family immigration can often help achieve this status. Of course, the proper…

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A father of 3 facing serious US immigration law problems

Louisiana immigrants who have been living, working and raising families in the United States for more than 10 years are not guaranteed to avoid legal status problems, even though more…

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How to keep stress to a minimum in the family immigration process

Many Louisiana residents are currently preparing to try to sponsor their relatives so they can come to the United States to live. It is critical that anyone entering the U.S.…

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