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Mother says U.S. government treated her unfairly regarding asylum

Many people who now live and work in Louisiana came here from other countries of origin, including some from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Some immigrants’ journeys went according to…

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Asylum offices apparently no longer off-limits for ICE arrests

A man whose country of origin is Sudan was hoping to obtain protection from the U.S. government. Instead, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials showed up immediately after his asylum hearing…

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Asylum often stepping stone to citizenship in Louisiana

Many immigrants living in Louisiana are hoping to one day become naturalized citizens of the United States. Some arrived in this state through the asylum program. Not everyone is eligible…

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Immigrants in another state must be told of their asylum rights

A judge in another state has ruled that immediate reform must take place regarding one of the nation’s immigrant detention facilities. In Louisiana and other states, immigrants who enter the…

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What reasons may asylum be granted for?

Refugees living in Louisiana may seek asylum for various reasons, including yourself. Whether you left your country of origin for fear of harm or even death, you will need to…

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What is political asylum?

If you are seeking political asylum, it’s vital that you understand exactly how the process works and what is entailed of you. While securing the services of a skilled immigration…

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