Category Archives: asylum

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Mother and daughters celebrate reunion during asylum process

Within the past year, many Louisiana immigrants have arrived at U.S. borders as part of caravans of people who were fleeing violence and other life-threatening situations in their countries of…

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Asylum: Difference between affirmative and defensive applications

The average Louisiana resident may have difficulty understanding various aspects of U.S. immigration law. Even those born and raised in the United States are sometimes confused by the legal terminology…

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Woman who sought asylum worried her husband will be deported

A woman who emigrated from Guatemala to the United States recently told reporters about the many challenges she and her family have faced along the way. She came here seeking…

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Asylum application must be completed within a year of US arrival

Every year, tens of thousands of people arrive in the United States, hoping to find safe places to build better lives for themselves and their families. Many of them come…

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Avoid asylum process obstacles in Louisiana

Not every Louisiana resident was born and raised in this state. Some arrived here from other states, seeking employment or wanting to purchase new homes. There are also many immigrants…

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Woman seeking asylum has been detained again

A woman in another state who was brought to the United States as a child has spent the majority of her life here. In fact, many of her older relatives…

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