Yearly Archives: 2021

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Reducing estate taxed through estate planning strategies

Planning for the future gives Louisiana adults certain advantages in life. This includes the ability to plan for potential specific health care needs in the future and decide how to…

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Getting organized before creating an estate plan

Before a Louisiana adult creates a plan for his or her long-term wealth and financial management, it is prudent to do some planning first. Creating an estate plan that will…

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Can you make probate easier for your executor?

You and many other Louisiana residents may hope to leave your surviving loved ones with as little trouble as possible when it comes to settling your remaining estate. Maybe you…

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The importance of long-term planning for all adults

Louisiana adults often delay estate planning for various reasons, including assuming they don’t really need a plan at the moment. Long-term planning is important for various reasons, including allowing one…

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Bringing an estate plan up to date

It’s impossible to know what will happen in the future, but there are certain steps a Louisiana adult can take that will allow him or her to have some control…

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What factors are going to affect estate planning in the future?

It’s impossible to predict what will happen in the future, but through careful legal and financial planning, a Louisiana adult can have a measure of control over certain things. Estate…

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