Monthly Archives: October 2020

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Common excuses used to avoid estate planning

One of the most common issues that families in Louisiana run into when a loved one passes away is how their estate is going to be divided among the family.…

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Understanding trusts and their role in a complete estate plan

Every estate plan is different as each Louisiana adult will have different goals for his or her estate after passing away and unique wishes regarding health care in case of…

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Estate planning is trending, especially among young people

While predicting the future is impossible, there are ways to make plans that allow one to look to the future with confidence. Estate planning is a way to consider future…

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Protection against life’s uncertainty with a strong estate plan

It is impossible to predict what is going to happen in the future. However, there are certain types of documents one can include in an estate plan that will provide…

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An estate plan needs to work as soon as it’s necessary

The best plans mean nothing if they are impossible to execute when it’s time to do so. Estate planning is a process of putting certain plans in place and drafting…

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