Monthly Archives: April 2018

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US immigration law makes headlines following high court ruling

Many Louisiana families include one or more immigrants currently facing possible deportation. Some may have already been forced to say goodbye to family members who were deported following criminal convictionsin…

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Activists call foul play in immigration detention dispute

Many immigrant advocates in Louisiana and throughout the nation are speaking out regarding a recent situation that they say is evidence that the U.S. government is unfairly targeting certain groups…

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Avoid asylum process obstacles in Louisiana

Not every Louisiana resident was born and raised in this state. Some arrived here from other states, seeking employment or wanting to purchase new homes. There are also many immigrants…

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When immigration policies clash with our sense of justice

To be a so-called “Dreamer” is to be an undocumented immigrant who grew up in the United States after entering the United States illegally as a child. These cases happen…

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Change in immigration detention policy angers advocates

Immigrant advocates in Louisiana may be among others in the nation who recently expressed anger and frustration over the new ICE policies. The immigration detention situation has brought many immigrant…

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