Family in another state torn apart due to US immigration law

An immigrant family in another state recently bid a tearful goodbye to one of its members. The father/husband in the family has been living, working and paying taxes) in the United States for many years. However, under new crackdowns in U.S. immigration law enforcement, undocumented immigrants in Louisiana and elsewhere have reportedly been targeted for deportation.

The man has been questioned about his status in the past but has always been allowed to stay here since he has no criminal record or any other attribute that would pose a national security risk. His country of origin is Guatemala, but he has not been there for at least 15 years. On a recent Saturday morning, he was forced to say goodbye to his wife and three children before boarding a plane that would take him back to the place he left so long ago.

The man lamented that he has lived an upstanding life in the United States for so long and does not understand why the government is punishing him as though he is a criminal. He also said he is very worried about his wife and children who are being left with no one to protect them. The man’s 10-year-old son said he felt empty inside as he watched his father leave without knowing when or if he will ever return.

U.S. immigration law is complex and changes can unexpectedly affect Louisiana residents’ lives. Fear of deportation ranks high on many people’s lists of worries regarding their legal statuses. However, all hope is not necessarily lost if an immigrant gets detained but seeks immediate assistance from an experienced immigration and naturalization law attorney.

Source:, “New Jersey man tearfully says goodbye to wife and children as he is deported“, Monsy Alvarado, Aug. 12, 2017